The availability of donated human tissue for therapeutic purposes is entirely dependent on people being prepared to provide it after death or surgery.
In gratitude for this unique, valuable gift, and as donated tissue can mean a major improvement in quality of life for the receiving patient, ETB-BISLIFE staff operate on the basis of an ethical approach when carrying out their activities.
Tissue donation
Organ Donation Act
The Wet op Orgaandonatie (Organ Donation Act) (WOD) stipulates how human tissue donation should take place. The Wet veiligheid en kwaliteit lichaamsmateriaal (Bodily Material Quality Safety Act (Wvkl) and het Eisenbesluit Lichaamsmateriaal (the Bodily Material Requirement Decision) stipulate how donated human tissue should be obtained, assessed, processed, stored, and distributed.
The Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport (VWS) determines which organisations should carry out the tasks described in the Tissue Chain. This is regulated through nomination and licensing. The Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) ensures that the WOD and the Wvkl are complied with by entities operating in the Tissue Chain.