Secure mailing

In the context of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation, we will send you confidential information in a secure manner via the Barracuda email program With this method our emails are sent encrypted.

What is secure mailing?

The email from ETB-BISLIFE is extra secure and you can only open it with a password. You cannot read the message in the mailbox of your own email program. You will only receive an email with a link in your mailbox. With this link you will go to the safe digital environment of Barracuda where you will find your email message.

How do you open a secure email?

  • When you first receive a secure email from Barracuda you will be asked to create an account. This gives you access to the secure emails. You do this by clicking on the link in the relevant mail.
  • You can now log in to your own account with your username (your email address) and password.
  • The secure email remains available for thirty days, after which it is automatically deleted. It is possible to save the email for your own administration.

It is important that you immediately notify us of changes to your email address so that we can continue to communicate securely with you.